Ms. Davanzo Shifts Into New Role as Honeoye Elementary School Principal Mikey Davanzo loved her time as assistant principal and data coordinator last year, her first with the Honeoye Central School District. But this year? She’s right in her wheelhouse. “Last year I was primarily housed in the secondary building and most of my interactions occurred with secondary staff and students,” said Honeoye’s new Elementary School principal. “But here at the Elementary School, trying to stimulate the brains, that’s where I connect and feel strongest.” Ms. Davanzo arrived at Honeoye last year after 17 years at Newark and says she’s a hands-on principal. So don’t be surprised if you go to her office and she’s not there. “I like to be in classrooms, I like to make myself as visible as possible,” she said. “Even as an assistant principal last year, I would walk through the halls and touch base.” Does that include the cafeteria? “Oh, I’ll go sit down with kids at the table and ask what’s going on today and start those conversations,” she said. “At first, (the kids) look at you like you’re a little crazy but as the year goes on, you know the kids understand.” The initial awkwardness pays off later in the school year when students encounter issues and feel comfortable approaching their principal. “They realize they can come to me with problems,” she said. It also helps Ms. Davanzo counter the stereotype of principals only dealing with discipline. She still does, but she’s found the hands-on approach helps soften potentially difficult situations. “When you build relationships with students like I did last year, you tell them we had conversations and you come across as really nice and sweet but I still have a job to do,” she said. “I have to hold you accountable and this is what the rulebook says, so this is what’s going to happen.” Ms. Davanzo lives in Farmington and has two daughters, ages 15 and 11, who attend Victor schools.